Embark on a magical journey through our enchanting city of Edinburgh and discover the countless hidden gems which bring the Harry Potter series to life, just a short distance from our doors here at Cityroomz. From iconic landmarks to breath-taking locations, immerse yourself in the wizarding world as you delve into the mystical charm of this historic city…
Ideally situated in the heart of Edinburgh, this cosy café offers a cosy atmosphere where you may sip a cup of tea while gazing over the picturesque views that first inspired Rowling’s imagination. Take a moment to absorb the ambience and let your own creativity flow.
Stroll through the gravestones and see if you can spot familiar names like McGonagall, Moodie, or even the story’s infamous antagonist Thomas Riddell. Allow this serene and atmospheric spot to transport you to the magical realm of Harry Potter.
Marvel at the castle’s imposing architecture and sweeping views of the city and let your imagination soar as you envision the magical world of Harry Potter coming to life within these ancient walls.
Follow your knowledgeable guide as they share fascinating stories and trivia about J.K. Rowling’s connection to the city. Prepare to be spellbound by the hidden secrets and captivating tales that lie within Edinburgh’s nooks and crannies.
Keep an eye out for hidden gems like The Museum Context, a small boutique that houses a collection of magical artifacts reminiscent of the series. With all of this and more to discover, how better to unlock our gorgeous city’s one-of-a-kind literacy legacy on your next visit?